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Chapter 10: Sense of Place

Janette Keating

Sense of Place. What is it? What gives us the special feeling about places we are drawn to? What makes us feel emotionally connected to a place? It can be a variety of things.

In our quest for the right “place” to homestead in Sonoma, we considered quite a few options before we came to the farm we now call ours. The day we discovered our new home, there was a feeling we experienced upon coming here that filled our hearts immediately. The wide open field space opened up all kinds of potential and subconsciously may have reminded us of Manitoba where our family began. It felt right and the address was Quail Run Way. Even the gate has quail birds in the iron work. I’ve started collecting anything that has a quail on it.

Once we began spending time here, it was clear that the address name given to this place reflected the wildlife that inhabited the farm. Spotting quail running across the path with legs that moved so quickly, I was challenged daily to get a better look. It isn’t easy to get a good look at these beautiful birds! The many families with small chicks in the spring, like to stay hidden in the undergrowth where they feel protected until they need to cross the open space. Then as if they all get the same memo, the flock emerges at once and scurries so quickly you can barely catch a glimpse!

Our place has blossomed into a farm that produces a lot of food and some of the open space has been converted to orchards, vineyards and gardens. Now it is time for us to give a name to our cabernet sauvignon that will be released in 2022. We’ve been throwing around potential names for months and it hasn’t been easy to find a name that everyone approves of. After many reiterations and suggestions, the simple idea of “Quail Run” resurfaced. Initially suggested by Zander, and revisited by Pat, a year later, it seemed right after a multitude of other ideas had been tasted, digested and rejected. The name must have meaning: it is important to us. We had some fun designing the image of a quail with its feet in motion! Since the sense of place is something we all feel, why not give the same name to the wonderful wine grown here?

Concerning the wine project, our family reviews decisions together. Emily has been at the helm of label design. She has taken all of our ideas and comments into consideration and developed a beautifully clean and modern design that is artistic and pleasing to the eye. Now in its final stages, all of us are quite pleased with what she has come up with. Until it is approved by the Trade and Tax Bureau, we will keep it coveted, but as soon as it is approved, we will let you know! We can’t wait to share this with you!



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